lördag 13 augusti 2016

The Confusion of the Languages!
Divide et Impera was churches motto when they confused the languages.
Recently, I discovered that the world's most important verb To Be old European Φ, modern Romanian A Fi and French Etre, were altered and rigorously alternated between the Germanic and Romance languages:
fii om,
fii omenos
fiii nostrii,
fiilor nostri,
fiicele noastre,
fiicele fiicelor
fiinta omeneasca,
fiind viu,
fiind constient,
fiind ca, 
fie cum doresti,
fie vreme buna,
fie vreme rea,
fii foarte atent,
fii constient,
fii cuminte!
fiti atenti,
fiti constienti,
fiti cuminti,
sã fiu,
sã fii,
sã fie
sã fim,
sã fiti,
Eu voi fi,
Tu vei fi,
El va fi,
Noi vom fi,
Voi veti fi
be human,
be humane
Our sons,
our sons,
our daughters
daughters' daughters
human being,
being alive
earthly beings
the beings,
being aware,
being that
be it you want,
be good weather,
be bad weather,
be careful,
be aware,
behave yourself,
pay attention,
be aware!
be obedient,
to be,
to be,
to be
to be,
to be,
I will be,
you will be,
will be,
We will be,
you will be
être humain,
être humain
Nos fils,
nos fils,
nos filles
Les filles de nos filles,
être humain,
être en vie
êtres terrestres
etres conscient,
est que
être comme tu vais
être beau temps,
être mauvais temps,
soyez prudent,
être conscient,
Faites attention,
Soyez sage!
être conscient,
être obéissant,
pour être
Je sera
Tu sera
Il sera
nous serons
vous serez

While the English dialect retains the form "be" closer to "fi", in the French 'dialect was changed  to "etre". And where the French retains the form "fi" in English appear son/daughter. This is the best example of religios "divide et impera"

The letter Φ (PHI) means life, existence, (human being). The fact that our ancestors called their progenitors Φu & Φica Fiu & Fiica (son & daughter) is a indubitable proof of the so called "Greek Alphabet" being a Getic -Thracian alphabet adopted by the Greeks and Slaves.  Our ancestors, the Getae later called Goths were aware of Φ letter's significance and Golden Ratio, the Divine Proportion of the human being. Φ looks like a human with the hands on its hips. The changes in the Greek alphabet
It was written about by Euclid in “Elements” around 300 B.C

This are a 6000 years old couple of human beings from Hamangia - Romania in

The Thinking Couple of Hamnagia

söndag 31 juli 2016


Geto-Dacian Origins


Swedish ASA = AȘA Romanian
The etymology of the Swedish name "ASA" is well preserved from old Geto-Dacian to modern Romanian language.

Getae derives from Get meaning wise, to think, to ponder and cuget means wisdom. So powerful were the word GET that is well preserved in English as “You Get it? I Got it!” Wisdom and understanding are the most important attributes you can get.
Get is also related to Ghețar meaning Glacier, Țara Ghețurilor a ghetarilor (Ice land). The boots used by the Getae wintertime are still called Ghete. The English Geats for the Getae is closes to Gheatã (Ice).
Even Vegetarian contains both Get & Arian, since our ancestors lived mostly of the fruits and vegetables, abundantly provided by nature in our Area Aria. The Gothic architectural style, projected with great wisdom and talent. From Getic derives Etic/Ethics the wise/ethical thinking.
The adjectiv “Get Be Get” is used for genuine,.pure blood, get beget non altered, thoroughbred,

The name “Dacia” derives from the shortening of locative adverb “D’acia, De acia” meaning From here/here from, as in being indigenous people or aboriginals, the place of our origins. All Europeans would say they are from here, so do Dutch (Dáci) and Deutsche (Dóici), D’ici, Da qui, De aqui.

Here is important to clarify the origins of PIE languages which are Proto Indigenous European not Hindus European.  

Description: http://images.classwell.com/mcd_xhtml_ebooks/2005_world_history/images/mcd_awh2005_0618376798_P62_f1.jpg 

It is known that our European ancestors lived for at least 10 000 years in South East Europe, in today’s Romania, Moldavia and Ukraine, located North West of Black Sea, The Danube Delta and both sides of Southern Danube River. The Carpathian Mountains formed a climatic barrier against the Icy west winds forming a  A geographical region even called Charapato-Danubiano-Pontica, The Cradle of European Civilisation.
Description: http://files.abovetopsecret.com/files/img/ib50687109.jpg
Swastika on 8000 years old terracotta vases found in Cucuteni Romania. The Swastika depicts the traces of the 4 stars in Ursa Major Constellation observed on the north hemisphere.

Flourishing art and evolving science such as mathematics, Cosmogony are witnessing of a healthy and prosperous civilization. Description: http://rec.gerodot.ru/kyklades/img/neo11.jpg
The Thinker and his Woman Clay figures Cernavodã, Romania dated to 5000 BC on the Black Sea Coast. These artifacts show a quite advanced civilization.

Description: cucuteni3950-3650
A terracotta TOY for children dated back to 4000 B.C.
Imagine if toys were made so long ago, how much earlier have the wheel been invented and where?  

The Swedes were the Ancient Getae /Goths our true European Ancestors. The Getae fought against the Invading non-European armies for at least 1000 years –
Once the Getae took control over the Empire were suddenly renamed Goths. Alaric, was the 1st Norman Gothic Emperor
Description: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/8/86/Ludwig_Thiersch_-_Alaric_%C3%A0_Ath%C3%A8nes_(cropped).jpg
Alaric I , was born in the Peuce Island in ancient DACIA Getica.
Description: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/6/69/Danube_Delta_evolution.gif

Gradually the Nordic climate became warmer and fit for a retreat from the war torn Wallachia called Valhalla in the Norse Mythology.
Around 800-AC some Getae moved up north settling in modern Götaland, Svealand (Svebenlan/Suebeland) /Sweden. Sverige/Suebien Rige, Rege, Rike/Reich/Regat. The Regat of the Suebi/Svabi/Suabi/Suavi - Land of The Getae/Goths/Swedes/Suebi.

Description: http://files.abovetopsecret.com/files/img/on50754813.jpg
Ursa Menor Traces –7000 years old Terracota Cucuteni, Romania

All Mythological Gods and Deities are concepts of Struggle for survival in a quite severe weather, and when climate became warmer, Turco Mongolic tribes invaded Europe from all sides turning Europe in a bloody battlefield known as the Dark Age.

The Swedish language maintains some ancestral linguistic traces. Such example is the 
ASA - Gudarna, ASA Gods,
The Swedish ASA is exactly the same as Romanian AȘA [asha] and English AS/SO. The Norse Mythology implies that ASA were concepts of life philosophy and cosmogony. 
AȘA is a conjunctive adverb: “Așa de bine” (So good) “Așa și așa”  (so and so), “Așa se procedeaza” (That’s the right way to proceed) “Așa se face” (that’s right way to do it) “Așa Da”, (yes that’s the right way, That’s right/correct) Așa Nu” (Not that way, that way is wrong).

Swedish               SÅ - må det vara
English               SO –be it,
Old English         SWÃ -
Romanian           AȘA Asa sa fie
Spanish                            ASI  Que sea asi

“AȘA e traditia” denotes ancestral traditions: “That’s how our ancestors used to act, used to do things”

is the Nordic Ruler God of the souls.
Romanina “A se hodini” means To rest. “Am nevoie de odihna” means ‘I need some rest’

Description: http://www.dailystormer.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/odin_by_kejablank-d6f644b.jpg
“ODINeasca-se in Pace”
Rest in Peace

Odin is the God of the deceased, referred to as the God of the slain in Valhalla where the soldiers go after their death. Obviously Valhalla is related to Wallachia in Romania the land of Nordic people ancestors. Wallachia was one of the most dangerous places in Old Europe. There were always wars against Turkish-Mongolic invaders from Northeast and Turkish and Middle East Afro-asiatic invaders from South east. It was truly "The Valley of Death". 
Odin is represented in modern days as a father figure, with a single blue eye, a silvery figure with icy looks describing the icy-cold Death/Winter. Again Annual and Lifespan seasons winter being the final stage.  The death has no warm feelings for anyone, everyone dies, no one can avoid it, and a dead body becomes cold and the Soul goes back to the source, to ODIN.

Death was lurking at every corner in the Nordic hemisphere’s Icy climate.
In earlier representations Odin is seen as a horse with 8 legs, more likely 4 men carrying the deceased on the bier to his resting place “La locul de Odihna”- .
"May He Rest in Peace" in Romanian reads "ODINeasca-se in Pace". Rest is getic/archaic h-ODIN-a and modern ODIhNa but the root "Odin" remains. A se hOdini, (to rest).

Description: https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEiew6HkOlYQsWP86t12CfDZoYc9vsjJahBhCyKvK8Nm7pIHXOIW2uMeEroy-6ZQD3m6dWZyGrPv1_KKLkdqOBQpXWj7kVWgDA3aJvPoDjqsO_J5-fIfTZtnlJP5MmaD_eFGGIQtBOu5bqQ/s1600/Dacia-Romana.png

FrigFjörg Vinds Dotter
Frigg, Shivering Wind’s Daughter
Frigg is always depicted as a winter Goddess

Frigg Fjörg Vinds Dotter
Frost Shivering Wind’s Daughter
Frig, Fiica Fiorilor Vantului
Frig Fioros Vîntul Fiica
Frost the Fierce Wind’s Daughter

Goddess Frigg is ODIN’s wife and the Shivering Wind’s Daughter. Frig in Romanian means cold, as in   refrigerator. The Romanian Frig refers particularly to Frigul Iernii, or Gerul (winter cold or frost).
Geruli/ Heruli was the name of a the east German people living in the north if Black Sea in today Moldavia and Ukraine. “Oamenii Gerului” means they were the people of permafrost. They gibe the name of ther Germans / Geromani = and Herman as the Spanish Hermano (Brother) which imply the entire Europe were Hermanos and spoke the Getic language much of it being spoken in today Romania and Moldavia. Geromanii means Ger+Om+Ani (Frost+Man´+Ani) – meaning the men of the frost. Germinare derives from Ger/Frost and indicates that Europeans might have been the germens of the Sapience Sapience specie of Man. The oldest Sapience in Europe “Ion of Anina” (Romania) was dated to 35000 years back.
 The Frost Goddes Frigg remind us that many people froze to death in Old Icy Europe, on land by the sea, on the rivers and even at home. Fiorg/”Fiori de Frig” in Romanian mean chilly shivers. The Goddess Frigg/Frost is carried by the winter’s chilly shivering winds.  
Most people have heard of the chilly shivers of death…So Frigg/Frost is ODIN’s wife because she would cause death, quite often and the deceased were carried away to ODIN, to “Rest in peace” in Romanian “ODIN-easca-se in pace”.
On the other hand ODIN & FRIGG inspired people how to prepare and handle the winter’s vicissitudes. In summertime you prepare for winter. Frigg/Frost brings family together for reflection and planning, the time of reading and writing, knitting and storytelling around the fireplace.

Description: map of norse world asgard

The Getae/Goths spread all over the world forming several States in Northern Europe, while other Getae formed States along the Dunau River up it's spring into the Black Forest Mountains in Germany and further on the Rhine Valley, and over to the British Islands and up to Iceland. (In Julius Titus time Called Sequanna and the people Sequanes). The Sequanes were the Saxons (Suebi) and Scotish people. There is still a City County by the name Suebensburg Siebensburg (Sibiu) in Northwestern Romania   

                  VANAHEIM the Home of VENIRS
“VANA” in Swedish means tradition or habit/custom, “god or bad vana” (Good or bad habit).
VENIRE it’s the verb Coming. Revenire (Return, Comeback)
“Odata cu Venirea Iernii, se inteteste Frigul” (Once the winter comes the cold intensifies).
“Dar Vine iarasi primavera si soarele straluceste din nou” (But the spring comes back again and the sun shine again. The celebrations are awaited by the words “Vine Pastele” (The Easter is (approaching/coming). So people start preparing for the great Spring Celebration.

The Roman Army was composed of all the nations of the around the Aegean Sea. The Europeans started to fight then as now the invading mongrels and African auxiliaries. 
The Swedes called Dacian, Getae/Gotha/Goths

The Swedes were called by the Roman Imperium Dacians, and by the Greeks Getae. 
There were several GETAE tribes all called after their own geographical regions. Daco-Geti, Iller-Geti, Tissa-Geti, Masa-Geti, Tyra-Geti.
By the End of the Empire The GETAE were called GOTHS. VISIGOTHS (WEST-GOTHS), OSTROGOTHS (EAST-GOTHS).  

Getae, Celtae were the same people. The greek "Y" = it is pronounced "U" in Greek alphabet.